Hazrat’s scholarly eminence
The fame of Hazrat’s debating skills and scholarly eminence had spread far and wide right from his student days. In course of time, prominent ulama from all schools of thought testified to Hazrat’s superiority in these fields, especially after the publication of his books on various subjects and also during his memorable battle against Qadianism.
The order and aptness of Hazrat’s questions during the debates often used to surprise the opponents and leave them at a loss for a convincing reply. On other hand, his rejoinders to the opponents, and objections used to be instant and comprehensive. Endowed with extraordinary intelligence, he used to resolve the most intricate issues without a moment’s deliberation or mental effort. Many times, he used to fling back at the opponent some aspect of latter’s own objection with arguments that defied a credible response. Furthermore, his observations during the debates were an exquisite blend of erudition and simplicity that made them easily clear to scholars and laymen alike.
In general, Hazrat spoke in a soft and pleasant manner. His voice was loud and clear enough to be heard equally clearly by all sections of the audience. Those present would feel as if under a sweet spell. He spoke in a measured tone, enabling the audience to understand every word of what he said. Those coming to him with diverse questions thus would almost invariably return convinced and re-
Reply to the objection of an American clergyman
An American clergyman on a visit to Golra Sharif once raised this objection in Hazrat’s presence: “The Muslims claim that the Quran contains a reference to everything in the universe. Yet it makes no reference to Imam Hussain (R.A), even though it kept being continuously revealed during the first six years of the Imam’s life. This is a surprising omission, considering the supreme sacrifice that the Imam offered in the cause of Islam. Hazrat asked the clergyman to quote any part of the Quran so that his objection could be responded to. When the latter recited Quran’s opening ayah before reading a substantive portion of the Quran, Hazrat asked him to stop there. He then drew the cleric’s attention to the fact that from the point of view of “Abjad”, the number of the various letters of the words totals to 786. Thereafter, he asked the cleric to note down the number of Syedna Imam Hussain’s name and related episodes of his life as follows:
The name, Imam Hussain = 210
Year of Birth = 4 (A.H)
Year of Martyrdom = 61 (A.H)
The words = 261
The name Imam Hassan
= 200
Years of his Martyrdom = 50 (A.H)
Total = 786
Hazrat thus demonstrated that a reference to Syedna Imam Hussain (R.A), his brother Syedna Imam Hassan (R.A), the years of their martyrdom etc. appeared in the very first verse of the Quran.
This discourse of Hazrat left the American clergyman amazed at the depth and breadth of the research that Muslim scholars and divine had carried out over the centuries into various aspects of their Holy book which they staunchly believed to be the Word of God Himself.
Order of Caliphate of the Four Righteous Caliphs of Islam
Hazrat once made the following fine derivation about the sequential order of caliphate of the four Righteous Caliphs (i.e., Syedna Abubakar, Syedna Umar, Syedna Usman, Syedna Ali) from the Quranic ayah
Translation: “Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the Messenger of Allah. And ‘those with him’ are ‘hard against disbelievers’ and ‘merciful among themselves’. Thou (O Muhammad) seest them ‘bowing and falling prostrate in worship’ (XLVIII, 29).
The words “those with him”, he said, referred to Syedna Abubakar (R.A) “ hard against disbelievers” to referred to Syedna Umar (R.A), “merciful among themselves” to Syedna Usman (R.A), and “bowing and falling prostrate” to Syedna Ali (R.A).
Replies to objections about the “Bahishti Darwaza” (Door to Paradise)
The door situated immediately towards the south of Baba Fariduddin Ganjshakar’s (R.A) grave at Pakpattan Sharif is popularly known as Bahishti Darwaza, i.e., door to Paradise. The appellation is based on the belief that anyone passing through this door becomes entitled to enter Paradise after his death. The door is kept locked throughout the year, and is opened only during the annual Urs of Hazrat Baba Sahib enabling all visitors to the Urs to earn the privilege to passing through it.
Hazrat (R.A) used to attend Hazrat Baba Sahib’s Urs almost every year. During his stay there, non-
On another occasion, a Maulvi objected to the visitors to the shrine shouting “Farid, Farid” along with certain other words including Allah and the Prophet (P.B.U.H), and asked why they did not confine themselves to say “ Allah, Allah” only. Hazrat invoked the questioner’s attention to the Divine pronouncement in the following Quranic Ayah:
Translation: “Therefore remember Me, I will remember you, give thanks to Me, and reject Me not”. (II, 152)
He then added that since Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganjshakar had engaged himself in the constant remembrance of Allah throughout his life, Allah was simply rewarding him now, in accordance with His aforesaid promise, by making people remember him as His own proxy.
This, Hazrat said, has been happening for the past 700 years, and would go on until the Final Day (The Day of Judgment).
The Glory and Majesty of the Holy Kaabah
Referring to the overpowering majesty of the Holy Kaabah (the House of Allah), Hazrat said that in the presence of that august structure even eminent Awlia-
Extending bai’at to a person from Baghdad Sharif
As Hazrat was preparing one afternoon to leave on horse back on his daily visit to village Maira Badiyah a few miles away from Golra, a white bearded old man came up to him and requested Hazrat to take him in his bai’at. Hazrat first hesitated to do so, and advised him instead to seek bai’at from an eminent spiritual guide. The man told him that he had arrived straight from Baghdad, where he had been directed in a dream by Syedna Ghaus-
Conversation with a farmer from Shahpur (Punjab)
A farmer disciple of Hazrat, belonging to Shahpur, once came to Golra to pay his respects to him. Hazrat asked him where he had come from. In reply, the farmer said he had taken Hazrat’s bai’at a year or so ago, and then added: “If you are not recognizing me now, how can I expect you to do so in the Hereafter?” Hazrat observed with a smile: “If you recognize me there, rest assured that I shall also recognize you”. Addressing those present, Hazrat then cited the following Quranic ayah and hadith relevant to the occasion:
Quranic ayah:
Translation: “Remember Me (O mankind!) and I shall (also) remember you”. (II, 152)
Translation: “Man (On the day of judgment) will be in the company of him whom he loves”.